English Exam Essay Formats


Most English exams have an essay question to give one the opportunity to show their extent of English. I get asked a lot about the best way to approach this task. While researching, I was a bit  overwhelmed with the variety of different formats, both 1-sided and 2-sided. ☺ 

One may ask which format is the best for the English essay task questions; but I think that would depend on the individual's learning style. What may be a good outline for one person, might totally confuse someone else. So, I decided to start a collection of diagram/outlines, this way students can review and decide which format is best for them. 

Check out the new page on the English with Yasmine Data Base at: http://englishwithyasmine.helpdocsonline.com/untitled-1600620482

For more details for the essay task, visit the IELTS page on the main website can be found here:  https://englishwithyasmine.weebly.com/ielts.html

Happy writing!!!!!!!!